| +420 776 229 294


You and only you. This is Tradesharing. That’s what we call our shared form of trading. Fast-changing times have led us to create a truly revolutionary way of investing. Investing in a specific group of cars. Forget funds, stocks and bonds. Here, you and only you buy the real thing with real value for appreciation and future sale, which you can then realize with us. You can and or don’t have to, it’s up to you. You get to buy something that makes sense, something you can actually touch and say “I’m happy with that”. No virtual assets, no stocks, no crowdfunding, just you. You and your real investment, a physical investment, a piece of solid metal… And do you know what the best part is? You are not tied to the sale of the car. If you change your mind and decide not to trade it, no problem. Again, it`s up to you. Anyone can fall in love…:)

Do you need advice or have a question?

Do not hesitate to contact us at +420 776 229 294 or write to us.

I´m interested in Tradesharing

We will contact you on the information you provided regarding detailed information and possibly inspection of said car. Thank you